Nursing Home Liability
April 2016
In some situations, a nursing home may be held liable for an injury or death of a resident. When a nursing home takes on a resident, they accept responsibility for the care of the patient. The nursing home has a duty to provide reasonable care to its residents and provide them with an environment that is safe. If a nursing home does not provide reasonable care or protect its residents, they could be found negligent.
Many rules and regulations govern the care of a nursing home. These rules and regulations can come from many sources including the state and federal government. You will want experienced representation to investigate these rules if you seek to prosecute a case on behalf of a loved one.
If a loved one has suffered injury or an untimely death at a nursing home, you should take the time to speak to a lawyer. At Herrick & Hart, we offer a free consultation on personal injury cases. You should take a few moments to contact us today.