Change in the Law - Underinsured Motorist Claims

February 2016

A recent change was made to the statute of limitations for underinsured motorist claims in the State of Wisconsin.  Prior law, treated an underinsured motorist claim like a contract.  A contract statute of limitations claim in the State of Wisconsin is six years.  The new law creates a separate statute of limitations for underinsured motorist claims.  The new rule is that the underinsured motorist claim must be brought within 3 years of the date of accurual.  The date of accrual is the date that the policy of the initial tortfeasor is exhausted.

If you have been injured in a car accident, you can tell by reading above that insurance issues can be complicated.  You will want experienced legal counsel of your side.  At Herrick & Hart, we can provide that legal counsel.  We offer a free consultation on personal injury cases and look forward to serving you.  For more information on personal injury cases, check out our personal injury page.

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