Minor Collisions can Cause Major Harm

August 2022

After a car collision an injured person may not feel right even if there is little damage to the exterior of the motor vehicle.  An injured person should be careful not to underestimate the damage that a seemingly minor collision can cause.  In many cases, the damage to the vehicle may not show on the exterior but may be found in structural damage to the vehicle.  If you feel pain after such a collision, feel free to seek medical care.

With a no visible damage collision, the injured person faces additional challenges to achieve justice.  Insurance companies will attempt to discount the injury.  They will attempt to settle for trivial amounts in order to save their company money.  You should not let the insurance company get away with these tactics.  Herrick & Hart has been involved in a case with little visible damage that resulted in a six figure jury verdict.

At Herrick & Hart, we have seen the physical injuries caused by minor collisions, We have been on the side of the injured for over 70 years.  No accident involving an injury is too small to not contact an attorney.

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